Last year, Jeremiah wrote on my Mother's Day card, "You Shine My Day Up!" How precious is that! It is just the most perfect expression of love from my sweet 7 year old boy. It was what he felt in his heart, so he wrote it down in words that made sense to him. He knows how much I love that expression, so he uses it on his cards and projects again from time to time. Gosh, this is the stuff of parenting that I just love!

And, this is my newly decorated cupcake box and decorated cupcake topper! I wanted to use the April kit, but I don't have anyone to give it to. My sweet friends, Ryan and Jessica, are having a baby ANY DAY NOW, and if I lived closer, I'd give it to them. But, I don't think the cupcake would fare very well through the mail. So, we'll eat the cupcakes in honor of Baby Hill, and I'll save my little box for a local new delivery. :)
I am just loving these little cupcake boxes. Cupcakes are the perfect size - just enough - and how fun to get a yummy cupcake delivered in a fun decorated package. The box has an insert that holds the cupcake in place so the icing doesn't get all over the inside of the box. (Genious!) Anyway, I've made two batches of cupcakes in the past week. I'm on a search for the perfect cupcake recipe so that I can make some yummy cupcakes and give them as gifts whenever the need arises! I tried a new recipe for my Grandmother's 86th Birthday Party, and they were good, but I think I can do better. I made a different batch yesterday, and they were just alright.
So, if you've got a GREAT cupcake recipe, send it to me at admin@scrap-room.com. :)
I wish we lived closer~ the cupcake is adorable!! You'll have to send me the picture so I can put it in the baby book letting them know that you had a celebration in their honor!!
In regards to Ryan's hair. He has a gift certificate to get it CUT but it's to the stage now that he wants to keep letting it grow until he absolutely has to get it cut. He figures that once he's a doctor the long hair may not fly and he starts seeing patients this summer so it's a last joy ride!! I actually do like it a little bit longer, the length it was around Christmas.
I must say that Ryan can pull off the longer hair. I just had to give him a little grief because he was expecting it, I'm sure, and I didn't want to disappoint. :)
I LOVE the page, Jer has a way with words and his sweet smile!
Save the cupcake boxes for a visit!!!
I'm waiting for a new post!!!
and i didn't even know you had a blog...... quite the sneaky one ;)
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