The kids started school last Wednesday, and my laptop fried that same afternoon - so a pretty stressful day overall. The "mother-board" fried, and while I don't know a lot of details about what a "mother-board" actually does, I think it's a pretty safe assumption that it's never a good thing if anything with the word, "mother" in it is fried! But, life rolled on... the boys like school, and my computer is being repaired, and in the meantime, I bought another gig of RAM for the desktop, so we're just skipping along here.
Jake and Josh BOTH made the 8th grade soccer team for Stephen Mack. Josh was only 1 of 2 7th graders who made the 8th grade team, so we're really excited for him even though his 7th grade friends are giving him a hard time, calling him a traitor - kind of in fun, kind of not. Their first game is Tuesday, and we've got 2-3 games each week until the first part of October. It's a short but intense season. It will be fun. Jake is going to be the sweeper, and I think Josh is going to be playing mid-field, but we don't have the final word from the coach on that yet.
I was going through some old school papers tonight, trying to get some stuff cleared out, and I came across this short essay by Jesse, written about 2.5 years ago when he was in 2nd grade... does this not sound like Jesse - saying what we all only wish we could say! We all laughed, especially Jesse!
"When I grow up I want to be a nothing. I get to stay home.
I get to stay home and watch TV. I get to stay home.
I get to stay home and ride my car. I get to stay home.
I get to stay home and drink pop.
I feel good about being a nothing." (Jesse, age 8)
I got this little questionnaire below from Shirley's blog, and I'm copying and pasting my answers here, just for fun and because I don't have anything else at all that I should be doing right now except answering pointless questions for nobody to read. (roll eyes)
1. where is your cell phone? charging in the kitchen
2. your boyfriend/girlfriend? Chris, my handsome husband for 16 years
3. your hair? driving me crazy; I can't do anything with it. It seems to be fried, just like my "mother-board."
4. where is your father? sleeping in his chair in front of the TV by this time of night, I'm sure
5. your favorite thing to do? drink coffee and chat with my husband
6. your dream last night? ???
7. your dream car? a convertible Beetle :)
8. the room you're in? the undecorated schoolroom, sitting at the desktop because of the aforementioned fried laptop
9. who did you hang out with last night? Jacob, while we waited for Josh to finish up at his guitar lesson
10. your fears? failure
11. what aren't you good at? a LOT!
12. muffins? not when I can have a Panera bagel
13. one of your wish list items? for my house to be decorated and for my hair to NOT be fried
14. the last thing you did? emptied old files out of an old plastic filing cart
15. your computer? well, there's the fried laptop that is currently being repaired by HP and the newly upgraded desktop that is getting lots of love this week...
16. your pet? do I sound like I could possibly handle the maintenance that pets would require?
17. you are wearing? jeans and a black shirt and Adidas flip-flops that unfortunately, make my feet stink a LOT!
18. your life? "If God is for me, who can be against me?"
19. your mood? pretty content right now, looking forward to seeing my good friends, the Joneses in a couple of days!
20. missing? the Joneses!
21. your car? well, there's another story... do you want to know about the Ford Tempo that we can't lock because of the big dent in the passenger-side door and the side-view mirror that is literally flapping in the wind as we drive down the road... OR do you want to know about the Dodge Caravan that smells musty because the air conditioner is draining onto the passenger floorboard and the speakers that have some sort of "short" in them and either blare for everyone in the county to hear or nothing... (but both vehicles get us around; I believe that God uses them to help keep us humble :))
22. what are you thinking about now? that I should probably stop typing in answers to these stupid questions and get to bed - nobody is reading this blog anyway
23. your work?
24. your summer? OVER!
25. your relationship status? Married with children
26. your favorite color(s)? red and black (but NOT together, like you'd see in a batchelor-pad!)
27. when is the last time you cried? last Wednesday, after my laptop fried and I didn't know if I was going to be able to save my files (photos, etc.) (Yes, I know I should "back up" more often. Thank you.)
28. when was the last time you laughed? about an hour ago, when reading Jesse's essay on his life aspirations (see above)
29. school? Thank God it's over for me. Thank God it's on for the kids!
30. favorite 90's group? I have no idea what any of the 90's groups were.
Hey, I do check the blog regularly. So you have to write in it occasionally, or write me a letter. I do like the picture of the boys and especially being out of order!! :) Be glad for a 2nd computer and for high speed! See there are blessings. sh
Oh...Jesse. I have aspired to be a nothing. But KIDS got in the way, still I have managed quite nicely and don't let anyone fool you - its great! So marry up, make sure her job's secure and get yourself a fun hobby! That boy, oh who am I kidding, all your boys crack me up. AND WE CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU. All 3 toilets are up and ready for the influx :) COME ON DOWN, and drive quick...we miss you all - Joneses.
OH and before I forget...LOOK AT YOU IN JEANS!! YOu are the woman!
WRITE MORE, okay, that sounded demanding...please update your blog at some point at your convenience. Miss you guys!!!!
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